ISSN: 2572-0775
Roberta Iacona
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge University Hospital- Hills Road CB2 0QQ,
Case Report
Incarcerated Wandering Spleen in a Congenital Hernia of the Cord: First Case Report
Author(s): Roberta Iacona, Neophytos United Kingdom, Hannah Missfelder-Lobos and Georgina MalakounidesRoberta Iacona, Neophytos United Kingdom, Hannah Missfelder-Lobos and Georgina Malakounides
Congenital Hernia of the cord is an uncommon abdominal wall defect anatomically and embriologically
considered as a different entity from Gastroschisis and Omphalocoele with an estimated incidence of 1:5000. Its
content can be various including: small and large bowel, gallbladder, liver lobes and omphalo-mesenteric remnants.
Here we report the first case of a wandering spleen incarcerated within the congenital hernia of the cord in order to
highlight the importance of the surgical exploration to prevent solid organs injury... View More»