ISSN: 2155-9570
Case Report
Prevention of Recurrence of Ligneous Conjunctivitis with Subconjunctival and Topical Autologus Fresh Frozen Plasma-A Case Report
Author(s): Aguilar-Montes Gustavo, Maria de los Angeles Ramos-Cadena and Rodríguez-Reyes
Aguilar-Montes Gustavo, Maria de los Angeles Ramos-Cadena and Rodríguez-Reyes
Objective: To report the case of a 6 year-old male child that presented ligneous conjunctivitis (LC) after infectious conjunctivitis, showing recurrent membranes after surgical removal; treatment with autologus fresh frozen plasma (AFFP) resulted in remission of the membranes.
Methods: Ophthalmologic examination, plasminogen functional activity and plasmatic plasminogen level were measured for LC diagnosis. Surgical removal of the membranes was performed and light microscopy was applied on biopsies from both eyes. Topical treatment with corticosteroids and aminoglycosides was administered on both eyes. Bilateral recurrence was treated with the administration of a single subconjunctival injection of 0.75 ml of AFFP, continued with topical application every four hours for four weeks, tapered to every 6 hours to present.
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