ISSN: 2155-6148
Rui Pereira
Case Report
Is Continuous PENG Block the New 3-in-1?
Author(s): Olga Santos, Rui Pereira, Tiago Cabral, Neusa Lages and Humberto MachadoOlga Santos, Rui Pereira, Tiago Cabral, Neusa Lages and Humberto Machado
Fascia iliaca or femoral nerve blocks are used frequently for hip fracture patients due to the opioid-sparing effects. However, these techniques prove to be insufficient in many cases. A recent anatomical study on hip innervation, led to the identification of relevant landmarks to target the hip articular branches, namely the Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG), which allowed a novel ultrasound-guided approach. The aim of this case report is to show an anesthetic technique not described previously, that included an ultra-sound guided PENG block with perineural catheter... View More»