Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

Sánchez-Pardo Maria Elena

  • Short Communication
    Preliminary Evaluation of a Nutraceutical Product Made with Residue of Cocos Nucifera for Use in the Treatment of Obesity
    Author(s): Nava-Ortega Edith,Garduño-Siciliano Leticia*, Ortiz-González Luis Felipe, Ortíz-Moreno Alicia, Sánchez-Pardo Maria Elena and  Pérez-Pasten Borja Ricardo Nava-Ortega Edith,Garduño-Siciliano Leticia*, Ortiz-González Luis Felipe, Ortíz-Moreno Alicia, Sánchez-Pardo Maria Elena and  Pérez-Pasten Borja Ricardo

    In recent years, agro-industrial residues of plant or vegetal origin have been shown to be a useful source of fiber and antioxidant components. Both types of elements have beneficial effects on human health. Cocos nucifera is abundant in tropical and subtropical countries, and up to 50% of its fruit is considered non-industrializable residue. There is sufficient previous evidence to think that the use of this residue in the manufacture of nutraceutical products may have beneficial effects on weight gain in obese individuals. Therefore, the present study evaluated the toxicological risk of an extract obtained from C. nucifera residue as well as the effectiveness of a nutraceutical product made with this extract, on weight gain in mice with diet-induced hypercholesterolemia. Our results show reduced weight gain and glucose levels in mice administered the nutraceutical product made with .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-1025.1000166

    Abstract PDF

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