ISSN: 0974-276X
Samta Sood
Research Article
Microbial Carboxylesterases: An Insight into Thermal Adaptation Using In
Silico Approach
Author(s): Samta Sood, Nikhil Sharma and Tek Chand Bhalla
Samta Sood, Nikhil Sharma and Tek Chand Bhalla
Carboxylesterases (CE’s), are a group of esterases that catalyze the hydrolysis of carboxylic ester molecule to form alcohol and carboxylic acid in the presence of water. In silico analysis of ten carboxylesterases (E.C. sequences from mesophilic and thermophilic organisms for various physiochemical parameters and amino acid comparison has been done. Ten sequences, five from each group were retrieved from NCBI and were aligned using multiple sequence alignment tool MUSCLE. The phylogenetic relationship between the two groups has been found using maximum parsimony method of MEGA-6. These sequences were further analyzed using online ProtParam ExPASy tool for some important physicochemical properties. Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) showed the presence of conserved catalytic triad S157, D254, H284. Maximum parsimony method using MEGA-6 distinguished the mesophilic and th.. View More»