Satyamurthy P
Research Article
Prevalence and Pattern of Dentine Hypersensitivity in a population of patients at MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai City, India
Author(s): Pereira R, Gillam DG, Pathak T and Satyamurthy P
Pereira R, Gillam DG, Pathak T and Satyamurthy P
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH) in an Indian population and to assess the factors associated with this condition.
Methods: 4200 subjects were examined in the Out-Patient Department (OPD) at the MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai City. Patients who complained of dentine hypersensitivity were given the questionnaire to complete, in order to obtain the following information, demographics, dental history, eating habits and DH symptom data, and associated known factors relating to DH. In total 548 questionnaires were completed. Oral examinations assessed DH in participants who reported DH in at least one of their teeth. The subjects also quantified the severity of DH on 10-digit visual analogue scale. The diagnosis of DH was established by a short, sharp pain arising from exposed dentine in re.. View More»