ISSN: 2475-3181
Schwarz KB
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
CMSC 2-116, 600 North Wolfe St, Baltimore, Md. 21287
Research Article
Utility of Monitoring Azathioprine Metabolites in the Management of
Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis
Author(s): Jannone G, Kafka K and Schwarz KB
Jannone G, Kafka K and Schwarz KB
Aim: Although monitoring of the active metabolite (6-thioguanine or 6-TG) and hepatotoxic metabolite (6 methylmercaptopurine or 6-MMP) of the drugs azathioprine (AZA) or 6-mercaptopurine is well-established in children with inflammatory bowel disease, there is little information about the utility of this practice in children with AIH.
Objectives: The purpose of this single center retrospective study was two-fold: 1) To determine if metabolite monitoring (MM) was associated with improved clinical outcome and 2) To determine levels of 6-TG associated with remission.
Methods: Chart review was performed of all patients ages 0-21 years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital with definite or probable AIH from 1991 to 2012 seen over two years of follow up.
Results: Twenty-one patients with AIH met the in.. View More»