ISSN: 2155-6148
Scott Devine
One Merck Drive, P.O. Box 100 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-0100
Research Article
Intra-operative Communication Regarding Neuromuscular Blockade: A Survey
of Anaesthesiologists and Surgeons
Author(s): Scott Devine, Jane Babrowicz, Rebecca Hahn, Joseph Vorrasi, Asim Farid and Jonathan Yong
Scott Devine, Jane Babrowicz, Rebecca Hahn, Joseph Vorrasi, Asim Farid and Jonathan Yong
Background: Surgeons and anesthesiologists have shared but often-conflicting objectives for neuromuscular relaxation. While surgeons require neuromuscular relaxation to optimize surgical conditions, anesthesiologists must balance these requests for additional muscle relaxation with timely extubation and operating room efficiency.
Methods: An internet based survey of anesthesiologists and surgeons was conducted between November 14th and December 4th, 2013. Respondents were asked a series of questions about pre-, intra- and post-operative communication regarding neuromuscular relaxation in open and laparoscopic procedures.
Results: A total of 256 anesthesiologists and 254 surgeons completed the survey. The most common reason cited by surgeons for requesting more neuromuscular relaxation in open procedures was difficu.. View More»