Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Scotto di Frega A

Scotto di Frega A

Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Born in Maddaloni (CE) on 07.22.1961, he graduated in Medicine on 18/09/1986 at the II Faculty of the University of Naples Federico II , discussing the thesis " mycosis pregnant ". He has passed in the second session of the same year the examination for a license to practice.  11/03/1987 is regularly enrolled in education at the ' Order of Physicians - Surgeons of the Province of Naples . Winner of the competition at the Postgraduate School of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Naples , The Faculty, has specialized in December 1990 with honors , with a thesis on " Causes of idiopathic infertility ". Interessatosi always particularly diagnostics obstetrician - gynecological, has participated in many specialized courses, acts to expand his knowledge in this field. In the meantime he has resulted in numerous scientific publications .  It has always been interested in the methods of assisted fertilization , since 1990, as well as certifying the certification of Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridge to have followed more than 100 IVF cycles and more than 100 ICSI cycles at their structure. He perfected his experience at the Roding Hospital in London, at the Centre For Reproductive Medicine in Brussels , and at Cornell University in New York .  It is since 1996 Clinical Director of the Center for Reproductive Biology of "Clinica Villa del Sole" of Naples, one of the most advanced centers of artificial insemination in Italy, and which carries a significant number of cycles of medically assisted procreation year.  
Research Interest

 Male and female infertility, Reproduction, IVF

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