ISSN: 2167-0374
Sergei V. Jargin
Clementovski per 6-82, 115184 Moscow
Letter to Editor
Some Selected Solutions for Ukraine
Author(s): Sergei V. JarginSergei V. Jargin
The aim of this report, based on observations in some areas of local conflicts, has been the search for workable solutions. It should be pointed out that military activities, battles, victims and dangers for civilians tend to be exaggerated by military and civil personnel involved in the conflicts in the former Soviet Union as well as by mass media and other publications. Such gossip damages tourism, trade, health care and, consequently, the international understanding and trust, which, in its turn, contributes to further escalation of the conflicts. One of the motives of the exaggeration is related to the officially supported high social status of war veterans, who acquire considerable privileges over fellow-citizens in health care and everyday life in some ex-Soviet countries. There are misgivings that the veteran status has been sometimes awarded gratuitously. Militaristic rhetoric.. View More»