ISSN: 2155-9899
Sergey Aityan
Research Article
Case Report of Herxheimer Reaction after Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Infusion
Author(s): Ciro Gargiulo, Van H. Le, Kieu C.D. Nguyen, Vo L.H. Trieu, Thao D. Huynh, Kenji Abe, Melvin Shiffman, Sergey Aityan and Le N. Bich
Ciro Gargiulo, Van H. Le, Kieu C.D. Nguyen, Vo L.H. Trieu, Thao D. Huynh, Kenji Abe, Melvin Shiffman, Sergey Aityan and Le N. Bich
The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is a transient immunological response that may occur after the initiation of treatment for any type of viral, bacterial or fungal infection such as syphilis, lime disease or Candida albicans. The reaction is similar to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and characterized by shaking, joint pain, muscle aching, chills, fever, headache, sore throat, malaise, myalgia, tachycardia as well as exacerbation of existing cutaneous lesions such as worsening inflammatory reaction at the sites of localized infection. The reaction generally occurs six to eight hours after treatment beginning with penicillin or other antibiotics and it may be easily confused with a SIRS. The intention of this definition is to outline a clinical response to a nonspecific insult of either infectious or noninfectious origin. The mechanism underlying patho-physiologi.. View More»