Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology

Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7609


Sherkhane AS

  • Research Article
    Identification of MHC Class, Transports Antigenic Peptides from Naja melanoleuca Long Neurotoxin 1
    Author(s): Sherkhane AS, Changbhale SS and Gomase VSSherkhane AS, Changbhale SS and Gomase VS

    Long neurotoxin 1 is a dangerous protein occurs in N. melanoleuca. It is highly dangerous snake due to the quantity of venom inject in a single bite. Peptide fragments of N. Melanoleuca Long neurotoxin 1 antigen protein having 71 amino acids, which shows 63 nanomers can be used to select nanomers for use in synthetic peptide vaccine design and to increase the understanding of roles of the immune system against snake bite. We use to apply computational intelligence algorithm PSSM (Position Specific Scoring Matrices) for the Prediction of MHC class-I binding peptides, we also predict antigenicity, Solvent accessibility, polar and nonpolar residue to analyses the membrane-spanning regions (hydrophobic) or regions that are likely exposed on the surface of proteins (hydrophilic domains) that are potentially antigenic that allows potential drug targets to identify active sites, for protection .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7609.1000169

    Abstract PDF

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