ISSN: 2165-7890
Solonskii AV
Research Article
Cortical Synaptogenesis in the Human Brain in Conditions of Prenatal Alcoholization
Author(s): Shushpanova TV, Solonskii AV and Bokhan NAShushpanova TV, Solonskii AV and Bokhan NA
Objective: Shaping synaptic contact is one of the leading processes during which largely determine the future integrative brain capabilities. Prenatal exposure to ethanol may have an impact on synaptogenesis in the brain of the embryo and foetus. The purpose of this study - identify the features of synaptogenesis in the brain of embryos and fetuses in conditions of prenatal alcoholization.
Materials and Methods: 33 embryos and fetuses were obtained from female alcoholic patients. Alcoholic patients were aged 26–39 years and the duration of illness was 3–13 years. In all cases, grade II alcoholism was diagnosed (ICD - 10 F10.201, F10.202). The control group consisted of embryos and fetuses from healthy women numbering 30 people with no history of neurological or mental illnesses.
The method of electron microscopy and morphom.. View More»