ISSN: 2157-7595
+44 1478 350008
Spencer Gwin
Research Article
Influence of Visual Feedback on 3-Dimensional Forces in a Drop Jump Landing
Author(s): Anand Shetty, Jake McFarland, Casey Gray, Spencer Gwin and Trevor ArellanesAnand Shetty, Jake McFarland, Casey Gray, Spencer Gwin and Trevor Arellanes
Objective: To compare the mediolateral, anteroposterior and vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) of a drop jump landing (DJL) with eyes open and eyes closed conditions to analyze the effects of visual input on the body’s ability to modulate motion.
Methods: An experimental crossover research design was used for this study. Twenty-four subjects were recruited to participate containing male and female subjects. All subjects performed a DJL from a height of 24-inches onto a force plate below for a total of 6 alternating attempts of 3 eyes closed and 3 eyes open. Maximal GRF were analyzed for each condition in the anteroposterior, vertical and mediolateral directions and averaged for each participant.
Results: There was a statistical significance of the GRF analyzed when comparing the eyes closed with .. View More»