Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


Steven Gayer

Steven Gayer


  • Research Article
    Motor-Sparing Surgical Nerve Blocks for Upper Extremity Surgery: Significantly Less Motor Paralysis Using 15 mL versus 30 mL of Mepivacaine 1.5% for Supraclavicular Block - A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Study
    Author(s): Andres Missair, Brian M Osman*, Howard D Palte, Steven Gayer, Juan Gutierrez and Ralf E GebhardAndres Missair, Brian M Osman*, Howard D Palte, Steven Gayer, Juan Gutierrez and Ralf E Gebhard

    Background and objectives: We performed a prospective randomized double-blinded study evaluating if a reduced volume of local anesthetic would result in operative limb surgical anesthesia while decreasing motor paralysis during an ultrasound-guided supraclavicular nerve block. Current tendencies in clinical practice towards smaller injectate volumes during ultrasound-guided nerve block placement prompted our investigation on its impact regarding block quality. Methods: 43 patients were consented for this prospective, double-blinded randomized clinical trial. Each patient was randomly assigned. Group HIGH received the conventional injection dose of 30 mL of 1.5% Mepivacaine. Group LOW received the reduced volume dose of 15 mL. An ultrasound-guided supraclavicular nerve block was performed on each patient. Motor block and sensory perception to p.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0533.1000231

    Abstract PDF

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