ISSN: 2167-0587
Steven J Fernandez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge
Research Article
Electricity Demand Evolution Driven by Storm Motivated Population Movement
Author(s): Melissa R Allen, Steven J Fernandez, Joshua S Fu, Kimberly A Walker Melissa R Allen, Steven J Fernandez, Joshua S Fu, Kimberly A Walker
Managing the risks to reliable delivery of energy to vulnerable populations posed by local effects of climate change on energy production and delivery is a challenge for communities worldwide. Climate effects such as sea level rise, increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters, force populations to move locations. These moves result in changing geographic patterns of demand for infrastructure services. Thus, infrastructures will evolve to accommodate new load centers while some parts of the network are underused, and these changes will create emerging vulnerabilities. Forecasting the location of these vulnerabilities by combining climate predictions and agent based population movement models shows promise for defining these future population distributions and changes in coastal infrastructure configurations. In this work, we created a prototype agent based population distrib.. View More»