ISSN: 2155-9570
Stuart Richer
Ocular Preventive Medicine, Optometry/Ophthalmology 112e, Captain James Lovell Federal Health Care Facility,
3001 Green Bay Rd, North Chicago IL 60064-3095,
Research Article
Macular Re-pigmentation Enhances Driving Vision in Elderly Adult Males with Macular Degeneration
Author(s): Stuart Richer, Dong-Wouk Park, Rachel Epstein, James S. Wrobel and Carla ThomasStuart Richer, Dong-Wouk Park, Rachel Epstein, James S. Wrobel and Carla Thomas
Background: The risk of injury or fatality (driver, passenger or pedestrian) associated with motor vehicle accidents has been determined to increase with age, as a result of age-related declines in vision, motor and cognitive functioning. Elderly drivers with age related macular degeneration are particularly vulnerable to sensory visual impairment when driving at night, as they suffer declines in both Contrast sensitivity (CS) and Glare recovery (GR).Objective: This study evaluates the relationship between carotenoid supplementation, CS and GR and the relationship between driving ability and retinal macular pigmentation.Methods: Self-described driving performance is the basis of this report, with data derived from the Zeaxanthin and Vision Function (ZVF) Study (FDA IND #78,973), a 1 year, n=60, 4 visit, prospective randomized controlled cl.. View More»