ISSN: 2379-1764
Suna Emir
Case Report
Children Pilomatricoma (Calcifying epithelioma): A case of Atypical Placement
Author(s): Atilla Cayir, Irfan Oguz Sahin, Mehmet Fatih Butun,
Atilla Cayir, Irfan Oguz Sahin, Mehmet Fatih Butun,
Pilomatricoma is benign skin tumor originates from outer sheath of hair follicle cells and is usually locates on head, neck and upper extremities. 40% of pilomatricomas are diagnosed in the first decade of life. It is most commonly seen between the ages of 8-13 in children. These nodular tumors are rarely multiple and familial. Pediatricians are not so familiar to these tumors, so true initial diagnosisis is not usually feasible. The definitive diagnosis is made by histopathological examination of tissue obtained by excisional biopsy. Although its rare, because of tumors metastasis potential and recurrence potentiality in cases that accurate excision could not be obtained, wide surgical excision should be performed. The incidence of recurrence is very low. In this report; 10 months old male patient with pilomatricoma, diagnosed by pathology procedures, is presented who was examined de.. View More»