ISSN: 2155-9899
Supratip Kundu
Review Article
Autoimmune Disorders: An Overview of Molecular and Cellular Basis in Today's Perspective
Author(s): Sayantan Ray, Nikhil Sonthalia, Supratip Kundu and Satyabrata GangulySayantan Ray, Nikhil Sonthalia, Supratip Kundu and Satyabrata Ganguly
Autoimmunity arises when immune responses mounted in the host are directed against self-components. Autoimmune diseases are pathophysiological states that result from a loss of self-tolerance and the consequent immune destruction of host tissues. Autoimmunity is mediated by a variety of molecular and cellular events, and responses. The development of an is a very complex process in which recognition of selfantigens by lymphocytes is centrally involved in pathologic organ damage. Autoimmune disease is inherited as a complex trait, with multiple loci controlling various aspects of disease susceptibility. More recently, some of these susceptibility genes have been identified. Certain environmental influences, such as cigarette smoke, ultraviolet light, or infectious agents, may interplay with this genetic predisposition to initiate the disease process. Silica exposure and its role in sys.. View More»