Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Suresh Awasthi

  • Research Article
    Post-Operative Astigmatism and Visual Outcome among Superior Approach Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery at Surgical Eye Camp in Nepal
    Author(s): Suresh Raj Pant, Ramesh Chandra Bhatta and Suresh AwasthiSuresh Raj Pant, Ramesh Chandra Bhatta and Suresh Awasthi

    Objective: To evaluate post-operative astigmatism and visual outcome among patients with superior approach manual small incision cataract surgeries at surgical eye camp in Nepal. Method: This is a retrospective, case study of post-operative astigmatism after cataract surgery. This study was conducted at Geta Eye Hospital using data collected from surgical eye camp in Kanchanpur district of Nepal. A total of 106 records of cases that had undergone superior approach manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS) during February 2017 in a surgical eye camp were selected. Records of patients who did not attend follow up at 4 to 6 weeks were excluded. Post-operative visual acuity, retinoscopy and subjective refraction data were collected from patient records at 4 to 6 weeks follow up. Results: Of 106 cases followed up at 4-.. View More»

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