Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine

Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8731

+44 1300 500008

Susana Sosa Gallegos

  • Research Article
    Whole Genome Sequencing for Detection of Zoonotic Tuberculosis in Queretaro, Mexico
    Author(s): Claudia Angelica Perea Razo, Feliciano Milian Suazo, Isabel Barcenas Reyes, Susana Sosa Gallegos, Elba Rodriguez Hernandez, Susana Flores Villalva and Germinal Jorge Canto Alarcon Claudia Angelica Perea Razo, Feliciano Milian Suazo, Isabel Barcenas Reyes, Susana Sosa Gallegos, Elba Rodriguez Hernandez, Susana Flores Villalva and Germinal Jorge Canto Alarcon

    A total of 2,736 samples, sputum, urine, and other fluids, collected from 1,154 tuberculosis suspicious patients in Queretaro, Mexico were included in the study. Acid-fast staining and culture in selective mediums, Stonebrink and Lowenstein-Jensen, were performed in all samples. Genotyping of isolates was performed by spoligotyping and single nucleotide polimorfism (SNP) whole genome sequencing. Mycobacterium bovis spoligotypes and SNP-types obtained were compared to those of cattle found in a database. Twenty-one (1.8%) isolates of Mycobacterium were obtained by culture, all from sputum; two (13%) were identified as M. bovis by spoligotyping, SB0673 and SB0971, which are frequently found in cattle in Mexico. From the isolates´ total, 15 were whole genome sequenced, confirming two as M. bovis. The SNP patterns of the two M. bovis isol.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-8731.1000158

    Abstract PDF

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