ISSN: 2311-3278
Syeda Lamatul Noor
Research Article
Evaluation of Mizaj (Temperament) in Menopausal Transition Symptoms: A Pilot Study
Author(s): Arshiya Sultana, Lubna Fatima, Gulamuddin Sofi and Syeda Lamatul Noor Arshiya Sultana, Lubna Fatima, Gulamuddin Sofi and Syeda Lamatul Noor
Mizaj (temperament) is one of the fundamental concepts of Unani system of medicine. Internal and external factors influences the human body leading to su’ mizaj (altered temperament) that ultimately inflict the whole body or a specific organ in the form of disease. Therefore, mizaj of a patient or organ has to be evaluated. Thus, this study was planned to determine the mizaj in women with menopausal transition symptoms. Material and methods: A prospective, single centre pilot study was conducted in 60 menopausal transition symptoms women in the National Institute of Unani medicine (NIUM), India between April 2013 and January 2014. The patient’s initial severity of menopausal transition symptoms were evaluated using the validated menopause rating scale (MRS) Questionnaire. The temperament was assessed by alamate su’ mizaj (clinical feature.. View More»