ISSN: 2155-9570
Tadahiko Kozawa
Research Article
Objective Evaluation of Zonular Weakness: Measurement of Lens Movement at the Start of Capsulorhexis Using Extracted Porcine Eyes
Author(s): Yukari Yaguchi, Shigeo Yaguchi, Saori Yaguchi, Tadahiko Kozawa, Yuichiro Tanaka, Kazuno Negishi and Kazuo Tsubota
Yukari Yaguchi, Shigeo Yaguchi, Saori Yaguchi, Tadahiko Kozawa, Yuichiro Tanaka, Kazuno Negishi and Kazuo Tsubota
Objective: To evaluate the degree of zonular weakness based on lens movement at the start of capsulorhexis using extracted porcine eyes. Methods: Zonular dehiscence of 18°, 36°, and 54° was created and alternated with healthy areas into five zones to create a model simulation of weakness of the zonule of Zinn corresponding to dehiscence of 90°, 180°, and 270°. During continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC), an image displaying the anterior capsule grasped by a cystotome and another displaying the initial tear were captured, and the two images were superimposed to measure the movement distance of the cortical opacities created using a hook. Porcine eyes with no dehiscence were used as the control group. Results: Compared with a distance of 0.44 ± 0.13 mm in the control group, the cortical opacity movement distances in the weakness group with dehiscence.. View More»