Angiology: Open Access

Angiology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-9495

+44 1478 350008

Tarek Salaheddine

  • Research Article
    Assessment of Coronary Artery Calcification in Chronic Dialysis Patients
    Author(s): Mohammed Asserraji, Omar Maoujoud, Tarek Salaheddine and Abdenacer El-kharras Mohammed Asserraji, Omar Maoujoud, Tarek Salaheddine and Abdenacer El-kharras

    Coronary artery calcifications (CAC) are highly prevalent in asymptomatic maintenance dialysis patients (MHP), detection and surveillance of such coronary disease could be helpful in clinical practice. In cross-sectional study conducted in our dialysis Unit, including 49 MHP, We have assessed and quantified coronary artery calcification and theirs risk factors. Detection and quantification of coronary calcifications were made by Multi Slice Cardio Tomography (MSCT) a high-speed scanner 64 row. The total volume and the density of calcifications were assessed in six coronary arteries with determination of calcium coronary Agatston score (CCAS). Patients were classified into 2 groups: (1) No or Moderate calcification with CCAS= 0-400; and (1) Severe calcification with CCAS >400. Demographic and biological data were analyzed. Forty nine patients were enrolled in the study (26 men and 23 wome.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-9495.1000132

    Abstract PDF

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