ISSN: 2161-0932
Tatek Abate
Research Article
Proportion of Maternal Near Misses and Associated Factors in Referral Hospitals of Amhara Regional State, Northwest Ethiopia: Institution Based Cross Sectional Study
Author(s): Mulugeta Dile, Tatek Abate and Tewodros SeyumMulugeta Dile, Tatek Abate and Tewodros Seyum
Introduction: Maternal near misses are one of the quality indicators of obstetric care beside maternal deaths. According to United Nations Fund for Population Activity report in 2011, for each maternal death 20 others suffer due to maternal near misses in the world.
Objective: The study was aimed to assess the prevalence of maternal near misses and associated factors in Amhara Regional State Referral Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia.
Methods: An Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from March 1, 2013 to August 30, 2013. During the study systematically selected 806 mothers who visited the maternal health care services at three Amhara Regional State Referral Hospitals were included. The data were collected through face to face interviews and direct concealed observations using pre-tested and structured ques.. View More»