ISSN: 2376-0419
+44 1300 500008
Taye B
Research Article
Assessment of Integrated Pharmaceutical Logistic System for the Management HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Laboratory Diagnostic Commodities in Public Health Facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Author(s): Tilahun A, Geleta DA, Abeshu MA, Geleta B, and Taye B
Tilahun A, Geleta DA, Abeshu MA, Geleta B, and Taye B
Background: Managing HIV/AIDS and TB laboratory commodities through the Integrated Pharmaceutical Logistics System (IPLS) is a strategy to enhance the smooth flow of commodities and prevent frequent stock outs of critical items that could hinder continuous provision of quality diagnostic services. However, data on IPLS implementation status at the health facility level are scarce. This study assessed the status of IPLS implementation for HIV/AIDS and TB laboratory commodities at health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. Thirty three public health facilities were selected using stratified sampling method. Information on selected indicators for IPLS implementation was collected using semistructured questionnaire customized from USAID|DELIVER’s LIAT and LSAT. Data for selected.. View More»