ISSN: 2167-0420
Tefera Belachew
Research Article
Postnatal Care Service Utilization and Associated Factors among Mothers
in Lemo Woreda, Ethiopia
Author(s): Tefera Belachew, Ayanos Taye and Tamiru Belachew
Tefera Belachew, Ayanos Taye and Tamiru Belachew
Background: Postnatal careis one of the most important maternal health-care interventions for prevention of illnesses and deaths during the postnatal period. Globally, more than 350,000 women die annually from complications during pregnancy or childbirth, almost all of them (99%) in developing countries. In Ethiopia, utilization of postnatal care service is very low due to various factors and these problems significantly hold back the goal of decreasing maternal mortality.
Objective: To asses postnatal care service utilization and associated factors among mothers in Lemo Woreda, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia.
Methods: A community based cross sectional study which is supplemented by qualitative method was employed from March to April, 2015. A total 352 mothers who gave birth 12 months prior to the study period were selected.. View More»