ISSN: 2155-6148
Teresa Barreto
Case Report
Inadvert Intravenous Administration of Local Anaesthetic During Labour: A Case Report
Author(s): Patricia Sant’Ana Ramos1, Teresa Barreto1, Ana Paula Alves1 and Humberto S Machado1,2,3*
Patricia Sant’Ana Ramos1, Teresa Barreto1, Ana Paula Alves1 and Humberto S Machado1,2,3*
Introduction: Local anaesthetics are widely used in the daily practice of the anaesthesiologists. Although in most part of the times no adverse effect are observed secondary to its use, accidental intravascular injection can be related to serious consequences. The objective of this case report is to describe an accidental intravascular administration of a local anesthetic during labour epidural analgesia.
Methods: Clinical records of a complete epidural labour analgesia case were collected.
Results: During an epidural blockade for labour analgesia, local anesthetic toxicity was acutely diagnosed after a bolus dose. This epidural catheter was promptly removed. Following the parturient informed consent and will, a second epidural catheter was introduced at a different lumbar level, with a subsequent successful analge.. View More»