ISSN: 2572-0775
Tetiana Kuzmenko,
Research Article
The Role of Genetic Polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) and TNfa (G-308A) and Regular Passive Smoking in Clinical Manifestations of Pneumonia in Infants
Author(s): Tetiana Kuzmenko, Mykola L Aryayev and John B Lowe
Tetiana Kuzmenko, Mykola L Aryayev and John B Lowe
Objective: This study set out to investigate the relationship between molecular-genetic mechanisms that modulate cytokine in infants whose parents expose them to cigarette smoke and those that do not expose their infants to cigarette smoke with the possible effects on the severity of pneumonia at presentation to hospital.
Methods: This cross sectional study recruited infants and parents from a regional Children’s Hospital. The infants where classified into three groups: 1. Where the infant was exposed to cigarette smoke through the mother directly (N=50). 2. The mother did not smoke but the infant was exposed to tobacco smoke from the relatives in the family (N=50). 3. The infant was in a family in which no one smoked. Analysis of genetic polymorphisms (regional frequencies) and determination of CRP and IgE concentrations were performe.. View More»