Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Tiago Santos

Tiago Santos
Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Baixo Vouga Hospital Centre,
Rua Artur Ravara, 3810-AVEIRO

  • Review Article
    Neuroticism: The Elephant in the Room
    Author(s): Tiago Santos and Nuno MadeiraTiago Santos and Nuno Madeira

    The term neurosis has a long tradition in psychiatric nosology. It was first introduced by Cullen referring to diseases of the nervous system in which there were no obvious physical lesion. It evolved to a wide use with the assumption of an aetiological meaning in the psychodynamic literature. Partially as a result, it has been removed as an organizing principle in psychiatric classifications subsisting, however, in the heading of one group of disorders of ICD-10. Nevertheless, in the clinical context, the terms “neuroticism” and “neurotic” are often used as an informal diagnostic for a relatively large group of patients described as presenting both depressive and anxiety symptoms of fluctuating, chronic pattern and frequently associated with underlying maladaptive personality traits. Most interestingly, a sparking debate subsists among clinicia.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-1044.1000145

    Abstract PDF

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