ISSN: 2167-0420
Tung Rathavy
Short Communication
Management of Women in Labor in a Referral Hospital in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia: A Case Discussion Study
Author(s): Yasuyo Matsumoto, Yuriko Egami and Tung Rathavy
Yasuyo Matsumoto, Yuriko Egami and Tung Rathavy
Background: In Cambodia, there has been a recent change in the location of births from home to healthcare facilities. Many women and their families now request interventions such as augmentation of labor and operative delivery. Our aim was to identify factors leading to this situation.
Methods: We held a series of discussions on 7 cases with 3-6 midwives and 2-3 doctors present each time at a referral hospital in Phnom Penh. Cases chosen for discussion were “grey” cases (neither normal nor abnormal deliveries).
Results: Our case discussions showed that women tended to be admitted early and that the time of onset of labor was often unclear.
Conclusions: The case discussions reinforced the importance of recording information carefully and the basic, but essential, midwifery skil.. View More»