ISSN: 2572-0775
Varma Shivkumar P
Research Article
Quality of Services Need All Round Critical Appraisal for Decreasing Perinatal Deaths
Author(s): Shakuntala Chhabra, Varma Shivkumar P, Thakre P and Dhawade KShakuntala Chhabra, Varma Shivkumar P, Thakre P and Dhawade K
Background: Perinatal mortality rates (PMR), index of quality of maternity, neonatal services, are still high in developing countries with regional variability. Material and Methods: Present study was done by analysis of case records of mothers who had perinatal deaths (PD). During period of analysis, there were 81051 births, 5235 PD, [3923 stillbirths (SB) 1312 neonatal deaths (NND)] with decreasing trends of PMR, from 95.18 to 34.93. For analysis, cases were divided into 10 blocks. Objective: Study was done to know trends of factors responsible for PD at rural referral hospital in Central India, so as to look into possible preventive strategies. Results: More teenagers had more often PD in each block, 1203 (22.97%) mothers were severely anemic, problem persisted over years, 20.15% in Block A, 20.96% in Block J. Cases with hypertensive disorders with PD i.. View More»