ISSN: 2329-6488
Velasco-Contreras ME
Public Health of the Mexican Social Security Institute,
Short Communication
Abusive Drinking is Cause of Metabolic Syndrome and Increases their Risk of Vascular Complications?
Author(s): Velasco-Contreras MEVelasco-Contreras ME
Introduction: The consumption of alcohol has abusive behavior epidemic worldwide, complicates the epidemic of obesity, and metabolic syndrome: diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, sinergisar mechanisms for the development of vascular damage, cerebral, myocardial, renal and hepatic these mechanisms have also been associated with the presentation of cancer in general.
Methods: A survey of anonymous reply was designed to collect demographic data, job category, the medical history, questionnaire Fageström to identify smoking and nicotine addiction, and questions related to alcohol consumption in the past 12 months, number of times that has been consumed, consumption amount and less than 3 hours. Over 6 questions to identify symptoms of addiction: tolerance and dependence differently to the presence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
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