ISSN: 2329-6488
Vincent Dethier
Research Article
Sensitivity for Self-Discrepancy Predicts Alcohol Consumption in Alcohol- Dependent Inpatients with High Self-Consciousness
Author(s): Marie Poncin, Vincent Dethier, Pierre Philippot, Nicolas Vermeulen and Philippe de TimaryMarie Poncin, Vincent Dethier, Pierre Philippot, Nicolas Vermeulen and Philippe de Timary
Background: A specific sense of self and sensitivity to self-threatening situations among alcohol-dependent (AD) individuals has often been reported by clinicians. Unpleasant self-awareness of situations of personal failure may lead to relapse, especially for AD individuals with high self-consciousness. However, the implication of Higgins’ self-discrepancy theory for alcohol-dependence has not yet been empirically investigated. This study tested the relation between self-discrepancies evaluated by the Self-Discrepancy Questionnaire and different self-related dimensions (i.e., self-consciousness, depression, emotional regulations strategies) in alcohol-dependence. Methods: Forty-four AD inpatients (28 men) presenting with an Axis-1 diagnosis of alcohol-dependence (DSMIV) and recruited during detoxification process completed Self-Discrepancy Questionna.. View More»