Medical Safety & Global Health

Medical Safety & Global Health
Open Access

ISSN: 2574-0407


Vincenza Ilardi

Vincenza Ilardi

Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis | CREA ยท Plant Pathology Research Center (CRA-PAV)

Dr Vincenza Ilardi is a Professor at Plant Pathology Research Centre of the Agricultural Research Council (CRA-PAV), Rome, Italy. She graduated cum laude in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a thesis in molecular biology.She has received national and international founding for her research. She has published in several international peer-reviewed journals. She is in the editorial board of “GM crops” (Landes Bioscience) and “Petria” (CRA). Since 1996 she is a member of the working group “Biotechnology” of the National Italian Committee for “Codex Alimentarius”. She is an expert for ISPRA for GMOs. 
Research Interest

Risk assessment for genetically modified plants (transgene flow); , Diagnosis and characterisation of plant virus; production of transgenic plants resistant to viruses; Induction of virus resistance in plant.

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