ISSN: 2329-888X
+44 1300 500008
Vinod Kumar Kansal
Research Article
Probiotic LaVK2 Dahi Improves Lipid Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Rats
Author(s): Dheeraj Mohania*, Vinod Kumar Kansal, Renu Sagwal, and Peter Kruzliak
Dheeraj Mohania*, Vinod Kumar Kansal, Renu Sagwal, and Peter Kruzliak
Background: There is a growing interest concerning the role of probiotics as natural hypocholesterolemic
agents in etiopathogenesis of cardiovascular and related heart diseases. Based on the growing evidence of the importance of probiotics with potential cardiovascular benefits, the efforts to improve the lipid profile using lactic acid bacteria in an optimal direction are gathering momentum.
Methods: The effects of probiotic Dahi containing L. acidophilus LaVK2 and Dahi culture on lipid profiles in rats with diet-induced hypercholesterolemia were studied. Three treatment groups of rats (n=7) were fed experimental diets: LaVK2 Dahi, Dahi or buffalo milk (BM) for 120 days. After the consumption of experimental diets, animals were fed a hypercholesterolemic diet ad libitum.
Results: Supplementa.. View More»