Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Vivian Resende

  • Research Article
    Estrous Cycle, Fertility and Fetal Development in Rats with Hyperbilirubinemia
    Author(s): Vivian Resende, Luiz Ronaldo Alberti and Andy Petroianu Vivian Resende, Luiz Ronaldo Alberti and Andy Petroianu

    Objective: Decreasing in reproductive capacity has been observed in jaundiced female rats. The animals with hyperbilirubinemia present early sexual maturation, late ovulation, reduced number of corpora lutea and precocious vaginal opening. The interaction with toxic agents leads to abnormal development of the embryos. The objective is to investigate the influence of jaundice on estrous cycle, fertility, ovaries and fetus development. Methods: 66 female rats were divided into two groups (n=33): group 1 - ligature of the biliopancreatic duct, group 2 - sham operation. These animals were paired with males. Vaginal smears were collected daily to verify pregnancy and the gestational period. The morphologic aspect of the ovaries and the corpus luteum were studied. The morphology of the fetuses were assessed. Serum bilirubins were recorded. 32 rats of.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0932.1000426

    Abstract PDF

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