ISSN: 2165-7890
Wang Xiao-Zhen
Research Article
Quality of Life of Children with ASD
Author(s): Liu Zhen-Huan, Xie Qiao-Ling, Zhang-Yong and Wang Xiao-ZhenLiu Zhen-Huan, Xie Qiao-Ling, Zhang-Yong and Wang Xiao-Zhen
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) describes a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders in DSM-5, which are characterized by social deficits and communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviours and interests, sensory issues, and in some cases, cognitive delays. In the past, autism was considered a rare condition, but plenty of recent studies indicate that prevalence can be nearly 1% for the broader autism spectrum. The researchers searched the digital library database for articles related to the quality of life (QoL) of autistic children. It proved that more research on the quality of life for autistic children and their parent’s abroad. However, the original study was flawed by ascertainment etiology, pathogenesis and early autistic symptoms. Domestic rare research reports on the quality of survival. Moreover, compared with other conditions the.. View More»