ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Wilson Onuigbo
Enugu 400001
Review Article
The Plant Kingdom Featured Significantly in the History of Cancer
Author(s): Wilson Onuigbo
Wilson Onuigbo
A decade elapsed between 1947, when the author sat for a degree in Botany, and 1957, when he did likewise in Medicine. The latter year was fruitful in that during it he wrote his first paper which it was based on 1000 cases of lung cancer. This included the expressive plant kingdom phrase, “suitable nidus” with reference to the survival of transported human cancer cells. Therefore, it is instructive to now document in the prestigious Journal of Plant Studies how the long history of cancer was nicely interwoven with the plant kingdom. In particular, size was described with ready references to apple, apricot, cherry, chestnut, cocoa-nut, currant, filbert, garden pea, grape stone, hazel-nut, hemp, hemp-seed, millet, mustard seed, nut, oat, orange, pea, pear, split pea, thistle-down and wall nut. Moreover, branching and grafting appeared. So did fungus which is no longer in us.. View More»