ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
X. Zhou
Research Article
AIF-1 Gene Expression and Polymorphism in Association with Cardiac Allograft Rejection
Author(s): D.O. McDaniel, L. K. Piazza, Andrea Barker, H. Robertson, C. K. Moore, X. Zhou, P. Redmond, Y. Jackson and G. AruD.O. McDaniel, L. K. Piazza, Andrea Barker, H. Robertson, C. K. Moore, X. Zhou, P. Redmond, Y. Jackson and G. Aru
Long- term clinical outcomes after cardiac transplantation still remains a challenge because of rejection episodes and the development of coronary vasculopathy. Rejection episode (RE) is a complex immunologic response, associated with the inflammatory signaling network. Allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) has an important role in inflammatory process associated with transplantation. The goal was to demonstrate an association between the AIF-1 gene expression and genotype variation with RE. Peripheral blood and endomyocardial specimens were tested by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) stains for identification of AIF-1 and IL-18 and were analyzed against clinical ISHLT grades for rejection. Sequence-specific primers for AIF-1 gene polymorphism were used to determine the C or the T allele variation in association with RE. The prevalence of CT heterozygous allele.. View More»