Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Yash Oza

Yash Oza


  • Research Article
    Incidence of Repeated Superficial Metallic Corneal Foreign Bodies, Awareness and Use of Eye Protection Devices in Sub-urban Bangalore (South-India)
    Author(s): Rajan Sharma, Rani Sujatha MA, Prashant CN, Nagaraja KS and Yash OzaRajan Sharma, Rani Sujatha MA, Prashant CN, Nagaraja KS and Yash Oza

    Purpose: To determine the incidence of repeated episodes of superficial metallic corneal foreign body (CFB) among small-scale metal industry workers in Bangalore (South-India). We also aim to discuss level of awareness and reasons of less/ non-usage of eye-protection devices (EPD) and to emphasize on the easily available EPD designs. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study which included one hundred and twenty-two consecutive patients who were treated for superficial CFB from 1st October 2017 to 31st March 2018 in the emergency/OPD. The incidence of repeated episodes, the level of awareness and usage of EPD were evaluated. Results: All patients in the prospective study were male. The mean age of our study population was 35 ± 10.2 (range 18-58) years. These patients underwent CFB r.. View More»

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