ISSN: 2155-9899
Yasuhiro Yamamura
Research Article
Depression Correlates with Increased Plasma Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines and a Dysregulated Oxidant/Antioxidant Balance in HIV-1-Infected Subjects Undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy
Author(s): Yainyrette Rivera-Rivera, Yashira García, Valerie Toro, Nydia Cappas, Pablo López, Yasuhiro Yamamura, and Vanessa Rivera-Amill Yainyrette Rivera-Rivera, Yashira García, Valerie Toro, Nydia Cappas, Pablo López, Yasuhiro Yamamura, and Vanessa Rivera-Amill
Objective: Depression is the most common psychiatric diagnosis in the HIV/AIDS population and represents a risk factor for disease progression. Since HIV-1 infection is characterized by immunologic and metabolic disturbances, we want to study the effects of depression on different components related to pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. We hypothesize that depression will lead to increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and altered antioxidant/oxidant balance.Methods: We included males and females who were ≥21 years of age, whose HIV-1 sero-status was confirmed by Western Blot, and who were currently undergoing antiretroviral treatment. Patients completed the participation consent form, a socio-demographic survey, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depression assessment. We isolate.. View More»