ISSN: 2593-9173
Yohannes Walie
Review Article
Review on: Opportunities and Challenges of Women Participation on Watershed Management in Ethiopia
Author(s): Yohannes WalieYohannes Walie
Watershed management is the fundamental of growth and poverty reduction. Watershed change increasingly affects the livelihoods of people, and poor people experience especially negative impacts given their lack of capacity to prepare for and cope with the effects of a change. However, it doesn’t employ efficiently in many countries due to ignoring women, who are basically a necessity resource in agriculture and the rural economy and confront enormous challenges which retard women involvement in watershed management. Problems of women participation in agricultural activities and production touch many countries of the world and are among the most important intention in gender equality development. Agricultural production, especially in increasingly industrial production systems, has been associated with pollution of the watershed as well as the degradation of natural ecosystems. Fe.. View More»