ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Yuriy V Bobkov
Research Article
Perilla Derived Compounds Mediate Human TRPA1 Channel Activity
Author(s): Alberto Maria Cattaneo, Yuriy V Bobkov, Elizabeth A Corey, Gigliola Borgonovo and Angela Bassoli
Alberto Maria Cattaneo, Yuriy V Bobkov, Elizabeth A Corey, Gigliola Borgonovo and Angela Bassoli
Compounds from food plants affecting the somatosensory system, like Perilla frutescens (L.), are well known for their flavoring, pharmacological and medical properties. Yet the exact mechanisms underlying their activity are still poorly understood. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels involved in chemestetic sensations likely represent some of the primary targets for these compounds. Using a heterologous expression system and calcium imaging we show that a number of Perilla derived compounds (S-(-)-1,8-p-menthadiene-7-al (perillaldehyde, PA); 3-(4-methyl- 1-oxopentyl)furan (perillaketone, PK); 1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-[(E)-prop-1-enyl]benzene (α-asarone, ASA)) and synthetic compounds derivative from Perilla (3-(4-methoxy-phenyl)-1-furan-2-yl-propenone (PK-16) and 3-(4-chloro-phenyl)- 1-furan-2-yl-propenone (PK-18)) are capable of activating the human TRP Ankyrin family channel .. View More»