ISSN: 0974-276X
Schiller International University, Heidelberg Campus, Zollhofgarten 1, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Research Article
SasCsvToolkit: A Versatile Parallel `Bag-of-Tasks` Job Submission Application on Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Platforms for Big Data Analytics such as for Biomedical Informatics
Author(s): Abhishek Narain Singh*
Background: The need for big data analysis requires being able to process large data which are being held fine-tuned
for usage by corporates. It is only very recently that the need for big data has caught attention for low budget corporate
groups and academia who typically do not have money and resources to buy expensive licenses of big data analysis
platforms such as SAS. The corporates con-tinue to work on SAS data format largely because of systemic
organizational his-tory and that the prior codes have been built on them. The data-providers continue to thus provide
data in SAS formats. Acute sudden need has arisen because of this gap of data being in SAS format and the coders not
having a SAS expertise or training background as the economic and inertial forces acting of having shaped these two
classes of people have been different.
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10.35248/0974-276X. 23.16.626