Department of Animal Production Studies, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
Review Article
Gut microbiota Ecology role in animal nutrition and health performance
Author(s): Abraha Negash*
The principal components of gut health includes diet, effective structure and function of the GIT barrier (gut mucosal), with effective digestion and absorption of feed and effective immune status of the host and normal and stable micro biota including bacteria, protozoa and fungal zoospores coexist to enable efficient fermentation, absorption and boosting immunity for better host performance demanding holistic considerations. Ruminant’s digestive fermentation results in fermentation end products of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA), microbial protein and methane production in the rumen. The gut microbiota and their metabolic products also improve nutrient digestion, absorption, metabolism, and overall health and growth performance. Microbial feed supplements as natural growth promoters might play an important role for enhancement of health and productive performance serving in prevent.. View More»
10.35248/JCMA. 22.6.001