ISSN: 2165-7890
Department of Gastroenterology, Food Allergy and Autism and Director of UGAAA at University do Grande Rio School of Medicine, Brazil
Dr. Aderbal Sabra,Department of Gastroenterology, Food Allergy and Autism and Director of UGAAA at University do Grande Rio School of Medicine, Brazil. Dr. Aderbal Sabra has published numerous research papers and articles in reputed journals and has various other achievements in the related studies and has extended valuable service towards the scientific community with extensive research work.
Autism: Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathology, Clinical Aspects and Treatment
Author(s): Aderbal Sabra, Aderbal Sabra Filho and Selma Sabra
The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occurs in one out of every 68 individuals and can affect any child regardless of sex, race or socioeconomic status. This study enrolled all patients with the diagnosis of ASD attended at our Unit of Gastroenterology, Food Allergy and Autism (UGAAA). All of these patients were investigated for food allergy (FA). The gastrointestinal tract, the upper and lower airway tract, the skin and the central nervous system of our patients with ASD where extensively studied regards of the epidemiology, pathology, clinical aspects and treatment. It is observed that autism often establishes itself as a disease in patients with adequate psychomotor development and without previous neurological conditions, but with FA preceding the neurological deficits. We hypothesized that FA is one of the foregoing factors in patients who develop ASD, if they suffer from inflammat.. View More»