ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine of Parakou University, Parakou, Benin
Dr. Agbéssi Nadège works in the Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine of Parakou University, Parakou, Benin. His Research interest includes Clinical Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, Cosmetology, Venereology, Cosmetic Surgery. |
Case Report
A Diffuse Bullous Cutaneous Mastocytosis Mimicking a Bullous
Toxidermia in a Black Child
Author(s): Dégboé Bérénice*, Koudoukpo Christiane, Kouassi Alida, Agbéssi Nadège, Gaulier Alain, Akpadjan Fabrice, Mensah Prisca, Ngolo Pascaline, Adégbidi Hugues and Atadokpèdé Félix
We report a 16-month-old black girl received at emergency with a history of generalized and itchy bullous and post-bullous eruption occurred 24 hours after administrating ibuprofen for acute otitis. The diagnosis of bullous toxidermia was retained and the evolution was quickly favorable. She was seen seventy-two hours after leaving hospital for pruritic papulo-vesiculo-bullae located on the head, face, necklines, buttocks, perineum and legs after eating crustacean on the day before. The biopsy of a papulo-bullae lesion led to (after the different stains (hematoxylin, Giemsa, toluidine blue) corroborating with immunohistochemical typing with anti CD117) the diagnosis of bullous cutaneous mastocytosis... View More»