ISSN: 2167-0870
Department of Anesthesiology, Centro Médico Punta Cana (CMPC), Dominican Republic
Dr. Albida De León is currently working in Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt. He has published numerous research papers and articles in reputed journals and has various other achievements in the related studies. He has extended his valuable service towards the scientific community with his extensive research work.
Review Article
The Use of Compassionate Ivermectin in the Management of Symptomatic Outpatients and Hospitalized Patients with Clinical Diagnosis of Covid-19 at the Centro Medico Bournigal and at the Centro Medico Punta Cana, Grupo Rescue, Dominican Republic, from
Author(s): José Morgenstern*, José N Redondo, Albida De León, Juan Manuel Canela, Nelson Torres Castro, Johnny Tavares, Miguelina Minaya, Óscar López, Ana Castillo, Ana María Plácido, Rafael Peña Cruz, Yudelka Merette, Marlenin Toribio and Juan Asmir Francisco
No antiviral has been shown to reduce mortality in SARS-COV-2 patients to date. In the present Retrospective
observational study, 3,099 patients with a definitive or highly probable diagnosis of infection due to COVID-19 were
evaluated between May 1st to August 10th, 2020, at the Centro Medico Bournigal (CMBO) and the Centro Medico
Punta Cana (CMPC), and all received compassionate treatment with Ivermectin and Azithromycin. A total of 2,706
(87.3%) were discharged for outpatient treatment, all with mild severity of the infection. The average between the
onset of symptoms and the Emergency Room (ER) visit in outpatients was 3.6 days (Early Treatment). In 2,688
(99.33%) with outpatient treatment, the disease did not progress to warrant further hospitalization and there were no
deaths. In 16 (0.59%) with outpatient treatment, it was necessary their subsequent hospita.. View More»