ISSN: 2155-9899
Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0570, USA
Review Article
The Relative Abundance of Monocyte Subsets Determines Susceptibility to Perinatal Hepatic Inflammation
Author(s): Sarah Mohamedaly, Anas Alkhani and Amar Nijagal*
The devastating consequences of perinatal liver inflammation contribute to a pressing need to develop therapeutics
for the diseases that underly this condition. Biliary atresia (BA) is a perinatal inflammatory disease of the liver
that results in obliterative cholangiopathy and rapidly progresses to liver failure, requiring transplantation. The
ability to develop targeted therapies requires an understanding of the immune mechanisms that mitigate perinatal
liver inflammation. This article reviews our recent findings demonstrating that in a murine model of perinatal
hepatic inflammation, Ly6cLo non-classical monocytes express a pro-reparative transcriptomic profile and that the
relative abundance of Ly6cLo monocytes promotes resolution of perinatal liver inflammation, rendering neonatal
pups resistant to disease. We also examine the lineage rel.. View More»